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Mide Bypass Ameliyatı
Mide Bypass Ameliyatı
Gastrik Bypass laparoskopik (kapalı) yöntemle yapılan bir obezite cerrahisidir. Ameliyat sırasında mide ve bağırsakların bir kısmı baypas edilerek kullanım dışı bırakılır. Besinlerin emilim oranı azaldıkça hastalar daha çabuk tok olur ve kilo verme süreci kolaylaşır. Mini Gastrik Bypass operasyonu da bu yönteme alternatif olarak uygulanabilir.
Gastrik Bypass Nasıl Yapılır?
Gastrik bypass öncesi hastaya gerekli tetkikler yapılır. Genel anestezi ile hasta ameliyata hazırlanır. Laparoskopi yöntemi ile yapılan ameliyatta midenin %90'ı ayrılarak mide küçültülür. Bir tüp şeklini alan midenin %10'u ince bağırsağa bağlıdır. Bu sayede hem tokluk hissi oluşacak hem de yağ emilim miktarı önemli ölçüde azalacaktır.
Notes From Your Doctor
- The risk of regaining weight after Gastric Bypass is very low.
- A healthy diet and exercise routine should be established to get fast and permanent results.
- The process should be followed by doctor's controls after the operation.
- 80% or more of the excess weight can be lost within 1-2 years.
- Fatty foods can be consumed as fat absorption is reduced.
Frequently Asked Questions
It is applied to obesity patients who have tried to lose weight with different techniques under the supervision of a doctor but have not been successful. It can also be applied to overweight people with diabetes and blood pressure problems.
Small traces may occur after this procedure performed with the closed method. This problem is solved with postoperative creams that prevent scarring.
Since the gastric bypass procedure will be done by opening small holes, the level of pain is minimal. Shortly after the operation, the pains disappear completely.
The risk of gaining weight after Gastric Bypass is very low. Patients who have a post-operative nutritional routine maintain this order in the following years.